Characteristics of Messor barbarus
No official Hungarian name is available for Messor barbarus. It is a species of Harvester ants, mostly found in southern Europe and around North Africa and some parts of Asia. It is characterised by the fact that both the queen and the workers mainly eat seeds along with live insects and worms. They are hardy, easy to keep. They like warmth and moderate humidity.
Their nuptial flight generally take place in the months from September to November. It is not a native species in Hungary, so it cannot be captured from the wild in our country.
M. barbarus is quite a fast-growing species, with a single adult flock reaching 10,000+ workers. It is a monogynous species, so you can keep one queen in a test tube/formicarium. During their development, cocoon does not appear. From puppy to adult worker, about. 6-8 weeks are needed. The Queen could live up to 25 years.
Messor barbarus has a mild hibernating lifestyle. From November to February, hibernating is necessary from about. 15 degrees Celsius. Hibernation in a refrigerator is not suitable for them. Available adjustable temperature incubator on our site.
They mainly eat seeds for food. Since they have three castes, different seeds are recommended for the different castes (Minor, Media, Major). They can also be given honey and sugar water. Always have a fresh water supply for them.
As this species is not native to Hungary, it is strictly forbidden to release it into the wild!
It can bite, so it is not recommended to hold it. No liability for any injury, accident or damage caused by this species. The buyer accepts this and buys with this knowledge. The displayed product image is protected by copyright, and its use requires permission. The picture is an illustration.
- You can find useful videos about them on our TikTok channel.
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